Stacking Sats Explained

The LocalBitcoins blog
3 min readSep 6, 2022


You might have heard the words “stacking sats” being thrown around a lot in the finance and crypto spheres, but maybe you never really understood it. The term is no stranger in the crypto world and long-time crypto enthusiasts know all about it. However, it has just recently become more commonplace alongside cryptocurrency’s rise in accessibility and regularity.

So what exactly is stacking sats, and why is it so popular?

All about stacking sats

“Stacking sats” as a term was first used as a meme in a tweet some years ago and simply meant accumulating Bitcoin. Nowadays, it refers to a method of investing in Bitcoin.

Stacking sats really just refers to any regular accumulation of Bitcoin via purchasing, mining, or earning. More specifically, it means purposely buying tiny amounts of Bitcoin regularly to amass greater wealth.

It works very similarly to dollar-cost averaging, where you equally invest small amounts of cash in whatever assets you desire over long periods of time. This type of investment helps you edge against the effects of market variations.

A sat is a short-form version of the word “Satoshi”, which is the smallest divisible unit of a Bitcoin. A Bitcoin can be divided into a number that is up to eight decimal places long. So one Satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 BTC or one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin!

The name given to this unit comes from the name of Bitcoin’s founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, which is actually a pseudonym for the unknown group of people behind the cryptocurrency.

Stacking sats is easy and straightforward

If you just want to invest $5, then that’s all you have to invest since the whole purpose of stacking sats is to accumulate worth even though you’re investing small amounts. For example, if you purchased $5 worth of Bitcoin in 2020 and kept buying $5 more every week, then in just a year you’d have invested about $260 but you’d have Bitcoin worth about $1,200 — easy and straightforward, right?

When you ask fellow Bitcoiners how they have been, they might respond: “I’m good, been stacking some sats”. By this, they mean that they have been buying a little bit of bitcoin here and there. If they say “stacking some sats and chilling”, they’re saying that they are combining stacking sats with HODLing.

Stacking sats is easy and affordable with LocalBitcoins

Stacking sats is a very worthwhile endeavor because it can show significant value growth as the years go by. However, it’s important to remember that stacking sats should be seen as akin to a passive stream of income, as it takes patience and time to reap the rewards. It certainly isn’t easy or quick money.

If you’re interested in purchasing sats, then LocalBitcoins is just what you need. We are the world’s largest Bitcoin marketplace. We make buying Bitcoin easy, no matter how much or how little you’re interested in.

With us, you can enjoy the best offers that you can find online and buy Bitcoin with a credit card in any currency. You can rest assured that your purchases will be fast, easy, secure, and most of all… worth it!

If you’d rather buy Bitcoin with PayPal, no problem! We also offer that option and ensure that PayPal purchases are protected with escrow to be just as safe as credit card purchases.

Aside from all this, we also offer 150 payment methods so that no matter where you are, you too can work your way into the cryptoworld. If you ever need help, our support desk is always available to help you solve any query.

LocalBitcoins makes stacking sats easy, accessible, and a no-brainer. Why not start investing in Bitcoin with us today?

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